Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Talofa beautiful people Manuia le tausaga fou (saiga??) lol So you must be wondering why Happpy Chinese New Year? Ia because its Fepuari (Febuary for our english speaking folks) and I am FINALLY getting back to the beautiful BLOG that I have and do you want to know why...

ia okay...

I forgot my email.

Thats a part of being old folks

So since the chinese are the only ones still singing Happy New Years to you (is that a song?) rather than be a FOB who says Happy New Years in Fepuari I'm saying... HAPPY (chinese) NEW YEARS!

I have SO much to share with you... its been an interesting end of the year and beginning of a new one. Ia manuia lou tasaga fou my beloveds translation make it a BIG BRIGHT BLESSED NEW YEARS people.... and stay tuned....